1. Do marketing operations in the area around you

Most buyers are usually within a 5 km radius of the restaurant. Research shows that 80% of restaurant sales come from people close to the restaurant. So limit your marketing budget to this area.

Remember these four tips for marketing in your neighborhood.

Define your customers.

Ask all customers where they are. Are their homes or workplaces near you?

Identify potential partners.

Find jobs that can increase sales. For example, increase customers by giving them discount coupons. Identify crowded places around the restaurant.

Identify important occasions.

Is there a concert nearby?

Gather the information you need about what your customers are reading.

With this information, you can market your neighbors.


2. Be effective on the first call
The customer mentality is formed from your business on the first call. The first call may be a phone call, a printed menu, or a restaurant.

When someone calls your restaurant, does it create the impression that they are dealing with a professional restaurant with interested staff? Are telephone calls answered immediately? Does the respondent have all the necessary information?

Use professional graphic designers to design and print menus. We will discuss the menu in the next sections.

Enter the restaurant every day as a new customer and see how the restaurant environment can be made more pleasant.

Expensive decoration does not have much impact on business growth. Many very successful restaurants do not use expensive chairs and decorations; But decoration can be cheap and beautiful. You can get help from people with taste.

In the restaurant environment, cleanliness is the first determining factor. When cleaning, the smallest details should not be forgotten. The floor of the restaurant, the walls and especially the toilets should be very clean. You can use deodorizers. Walt Disney Company considers the cost of keeping the large park area clean as part of the marketing costs, as this has a direct impact on increasing the number of visitors.

In many restaurants, the kitchen is not clean enough. Because restaurant owners think that guests will never see it, but they will probably see vendors, raw material suppliers, staff, and so on, and the impact is far greater than you might think.

Guests do not like to dine in private dining halls. Use mirrors, vases and partitions to divide the hall. You can divide the hall into several parts and use them all in busy times. In this way, in private, the restaurant will not look empty.

Pay close attention to staff and crew uniforms.


3. Create a pleasurable experience for the customer
Your job in the restaurant is not to sell food, but to create a pleasant and memorable experience for the customer.

Roryfat explains that when he visited the Sheraton Hotel, he was told that he had become a special customer due to his frequent stays at the hotel. He always used a single room. They gave him a luxurious three-person suite at the same price as before and explained that they would give better rooms to special guests if they were empty.

This room was equipped with a sauna and Jacuzzi and had a beautiful balcony facing nature. After a few minutes, someone knocked on the door. One of the crew had brought him a Belgian dark chocolate on a tray. The reason was that they had seen Mr. Fat eating bitter chocolate many times before. After a few minutes, the room manager called him and introduced himself and asked if he wanted to make sure everything was going well and did not need anything. Mr. Fat ordered a salmon and stressed that he was hungry. The official said the fish would be in the room in less than 30 minutes and would be completely free if it lasted longer. She also added that she will add some cooked vegetables and a special sauce to the fish.

Read this story from the beginning and see if the hotel has paid a lot for these extraordinary services. Absolutely not. They gave him an empty room and gave him only one free chocolate.

Would you not share this enjoyable experience with others if you were this person?

Use colors as well as appropriate lighting to beautify the restaurant. You can even think of ways to entertain your customers. Make the environment more satisfying with pleasant music.

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