First of all, let’s see together the reports about WordPress, what percentage of the world’s sites use WordPress, and among these sites, are there any famous and popular sites that use WordPress or not.

Note that in this article we are not going to explain many concepts, theories and axioms of WordPress; Rather, we want to raise doubts and questions about WordPress and by answering them, you can decide whether WordPress is your choice or not. So let’s settle for a brief definition of WordPress.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a tool that you can use to design your website. WordPress is a very advanced site builder that has the ability to build store, educational, corporate, personal, employment ad and other sites.

This tool is very flexible to the extent that it welcomes you if you know how to code, and if you have zero coding knowledge, it provides you with the best possible tool to implement your site with features.

This site builder tool is also called WordPress CMS; It means content management system. So if you come across this word in the search space, don’t be confused.

Users viewing sites in a browser face two main issues. First, the appearance and shape of the site, and second, the performance and actions of the site. In WordPress, the parts related to the shape and appearance of the site are managed by the site’s skin and template, and the parts that are part of the site’s features are also managed by plugins. So, from now on, if we talk about skins, templates, extensions and plugins, know what we mean.


What percentage of websites are WordPress or non-WordPress?

If we search on Google, we will see many reports that may have differences with each other; But in this section, we want to put the report related to the site, which is related to the month of June 2022, which compares WordPress with other site builder tools.

In the following report, it is very clear that WordPress is the most chosen site with 64.2% of the statistics, and the noteworthy point is that other competitors have many differences with WordPress.


In the following, we want to see other statistics related to the searched words around site builder tools. In the report below, it is clear that a significant percentage of users have searched for WordPress, and this shows the popularity of this site builder tool. If we measure the statistics, with 35,948,360 searches, the most popular site builder tool is currently WordPress.


Some of the most visited and famous websites that use WordPress

When a company, person or group at a high level wants to carry out its activity in the virtual space, it will definitely check which platform and system to use to implement its website, whose good and practical points are more than its weak points, which are less. be challenged Below we have introduced just a few examples of the most visited Iranian and foreign websites that use WordPress.

  • TEDBlog
  • Microsoft News
  • PlayStation Blog
  • 9to5Mac
  • Mercedes-Benz
  • Reuters Blogs


6 reasons to become WordPress

In this section, we want to examine the issues from two angles. One is from the point of view of a person who wants to design a site and does not know whether to choose WordPress or a dedicated site or another site builder. Second, the person wants to enter the field of learning website design and has a question about whether it is better to learn WordPress or start learning other website builders.


1. WordPress is an up-to-date website builder tool with many features

One of the important reasons that distinguishes WordPress from other site builders is that WordPress is up-to-date and that there are a large number of free and paid plugins and skins that are available to users and their number is increasing every day. The next point is the number of developers who work for WordPress themes and plugins.

For example, if we want to add the possibility of SMS membership and login to our site, dozens of plugins are available to add this possibility; But you don’t see these conditions in other site builders, and sometimes it is possible that the desired option that is available in large numbers in WordPress is not available at all for other site builders.

The example of membership and SMS login is only one of the examples. Currently, more than 60,000 free plugins, more than 27,000 paid plugins and more than 48,000 paid and free themes for WordPress are available and usable. This site builder tool is now supported by powerful companies to introduce and sell WordPress plugins and templates.

Foreign sites such as, and Iranian sites such as Jacket, Rastchin, WordPress tools and other sites that allow you to make purchases in dollars and rials.

Why do you think this is so important?

WordPress is a core that has neither a skin nor a plugin, and you build your site with free and paid skins and plugins that you install on the site. With this number of services, you can definitely launch powerful sites. This is despite the fact that you will not see this number of plugins, skins and programmers in any of the other site builder tools.


2. The WordPress community is very large and extensive

It is very important that if I, as a site owner or a WordPress site designer, encounter a problem and challenge, I can search it and find the answer to my question. Due to the fact that there are many documents and sites operating in the field of WordPress, it is safe to say that you cannot raise a WordPress challenge and question that does not receive an answer.

This amount of documentation and guidance will help you, don’t worry, and if you have a WordPress question for any reason, you can search on foreign sites as well as Iranian sites.

It is interesting to know that there are high-quality foreign and Iranian WordPress forums that you can easily enter. Entering these forums can increase your level of knowledge, and if you have any questions or doubts, you can ask and get answers.


3. Learning WordPress is very easy and accessible and has a simple and attractive user interface

For this, we want to check two cases. First, your site has been designed by someone else with WordPress and you, as the site owner, want to know how to do the preliminary work on your site. Second, you want to become a WordPress site designer .

First, my site is designed with WordPress and I am not familiar with WordPress.  The WordPress user interface is a simple and user-friendly environment, and the language of this environment changes according to your choice, and of course, it also fully supports Farsi. By watching a few simple videos, you can easily add an article, add a video on the site, add an image on the site, add a product, edit the price, define the product inventory, create pages about us, contact us, view orders, and so on. If you’re interested, jump in to learn more or outsource.

Second, I want to become a WordPress site designer.  We can also divide this part into two parts. A person who wants to become a website designer without coding knowledge and a person who wants to learn WordPress structurally and get into WordPress skin and plugin coding. The common point for these two parts is that there are many training courses, both foreign and Iranian, with different quality levels that you can start learning WordPress by participating in these courses, and let’s say that due to the structure that is a standard in most cases. Yes, learning WordPress is simple and easy.


4. Design any type of site you want

The flexibility of WordPress is so high that it does not limit you to design a specific type of site. For example, it does not say that you should only design news sites with WordPress; Rather, it is possible for you to implement shopping, educational, download, news, real estate, personal and any other type of website you want on the WordPress platform.

Note that WordPress is based on the PHP programming language, and its meaning is that if for any reason, the possibility or functionality you want is not applicable with the plugin, you can code it in a personalized way; So there is no limit to add possibilities or facilities on the site; Therefore, you have no limits in designing all kinds of sites. As we mentioned above, many sites use WordPress in different ways.


5. WordPress has a good job market

We want to talk about the WordPress job market; But with the premise that you are an expert in the field of WordPress. You can enter the WordPress job market in four ways, of course, the order we mention below is just an order and has no priority.

  • Be a freelancer. In this case, you can join foreign and Iranian sites where employers request projects (Punisha, Carlancer, Freelancer) and respond to users’ requests to design a WordPress site or write a WordPress plugin and agree on an amount in exchange for doing the work. If you are an expert, tasteful, committed and fair person and your score on these sites goes up, you can do many projects in a month.
  • Establish a website design company. You can hire web designers and do commissioned projects. In this phase of your activity, you are no longer a website designer, although you can also help in website design; But it is better to spend time on other things. For example, engage in customer attraction. The reason why you need to know website design is to gain mastery over website design topics and to be a complete expert on the work.
  • Get hired in a company as a web designer. The spirit of all people is not the same and the desires of all people are not the same. Whether a person establishes a company or becomes a freelancer depends on the conditions and mood of that person. You may have learned website design; But for whatever reason, you neither want to be a freelancer nor want to establish a company; So there is a third way and that is employment in one or more companies.
  • Become a teacher. This case does not need much explanation, and if you think you can be really useful in this area, be sure to enter. 😊


6. WordPress has a good income

Assuming that you are a professional WordPress worker, we must say that the income can be different and this income range is very significant, and of course this part has a direct relationship with your spirit, effort, courage, commitment, level of mastery, expression and personal and individual factors. But on average, we can consider an income range for him, and of course, this range is limited and has exceptions. We may say a number and someone reading this article will say: No, it’s wrong; Because you can earn more.

An expert WordPress worker can work in a company and get a fixed and specific salary than a WordPress worker who works in a company, teaches at the same time, does freelance projects, and at the same time implements internal projects in the company. You can see that the income range of a WordPress worker is directly related to the amount of work he does. If you really want to know how much the income of these people can be, we should say that it can be from 6 million tomans per month to 100 million per month and of course it can be higher. Here again we emphasize that everything depends on you.


5 common questions and confusions that arise around WordPress

If you search about WordPress, you may come across articles, news and information that the result is that you should not use WordPress, and of course, each of them presents their own reasons. Let’s explore some of the topics together.


1. Is WordPress a weak and worthless system?

As we said at the beginning of this article, WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world and there is no doubt about it; Also, with the help of WordPress, you can design unlimited types of store, educational, download, real estate, news, and personal sites. It has a very simple and powerful working environment, and this point is being used by the most visited and profitable sites. If WordPress was a site builder or a weak and worthless system, they would definitely not use it at high levels.


2. Is WordPress insecure?

According to the World Economic Forum, 95% of cyber security breaches are caused by human error. This means that we do not observe many security matters ourselves. We use easy and short passwords, we don’t usually change passwords, we easily give our passwords to other people in some cases and other cases that are caused by our own inattention.

There is no CMS or website that is 100% secure. So we should look for a platform that takes security issues seriously and constantly updates itself in security issues. In this section, by the way, WordPress core, templates and standard plugins have this spirit and constantly provide security updates. You should be careful when using templates and plugins.

If you use cracked and null plugins and templates, you will definitely increase the penetration rate of your site; In some cases, it has even been observed that malicious files are placed in cracked plugins and templates that can penetrate your site, and definitely another person’s penetration into your site means the loss of site security; So by using extensions and templates of the original version and frequent updates, you can solve most of the security problems.

In the next section, some security issues on the servers and hosts should be provided. Get a good host that respects security tips. For example, you may use hosts that provide you with free space or hosts that have poor support and basically do not have any monitoring on the sites that are on their servers. Finally, the security of hosting sites is very, very important.



3. Is WordPress SEO hard?

SEO (optimizing content for search engines like Google) has a specific structure that you can follow to optimize your site’s content. There are good plugins in WordPress that help you in the best way and step by step in creating an optimal content.

For example, it tells you that your content should be at least a few words, use a word or keywords, the number of keywords you use is sufficient, whether you have done external and internal linking, whether the title and paragraphs are correct, the use of images in the content. Done or not and many other specialized things that these plugins provide you.

Regarding SEO and according to the compliance of SEO standards by WordPress and existing plugins, it can be said that WordPress has worked very well in the field of SEO and it is one of the strengths of WordPress because it tells us to do the concepts related to SEO in the simplest way.

4. Is WordPress slow?

The speed of the site depends on various factors, if you make optimizations in each section, you will definitely have a standard and good speed. The speed of a WordPress site depends on the following things, which of course we avoid explaining about them.

  • The type of template you are using. The format should be standard
  • Use original plugins
  • The number of active plugins on the site
  • Installing plugins to increase site speed
  • Database optimization
  • Choosing a strong server and host
  • Using a CDN

So, if we follow the above, the speed of our site will definitely be good and standard.



5. What is the difference between dedicated website design and WordPress?

A lot of guard is taken in this field. The designer of the dedicated site says that WordPress is not good, and of course the WordPress worker says that the dedicated site has problems and limitations that do not justify using the dedicated site. Let’s take a closer look.

You need to consider what level of business you are in to decide whether it is proprietary or WordPress. For example, if your work level is  Amazon, Alibaba, Ezki, Jobama and similar, the justification is that the site is exclusive; Because the optimal mode is to design it exclusively so that you can monitor all parts of the site, and since it must be designed by the programming team from zero to one hundred, it is better to write a dedicated CMS and upload the site to a dedicated CMS.

In this business model, the programming team is employed by the company and they are fully present in the collection, and of course it is not just one person, but the programmers who develop and manage the site.

Note: In this business model, the costs related to the development and management of the site are very high.


A few tips about designing a dedicated site

  • You are always dependent on an individual or a team of programmers.
  • You have to pay a lot of money to add any new feature.
  • Preparing for a new possibility takes time.
  • It has high manpower costs.
  • If someone designs your site exclusively and for any reason refuses to continue cooperation, another person or team usually does not accept to continue the previous person’s work.
  • For the smallest changes, neither you nor other people can take action.


A few tips about your WordPress site

  • There are many plugins and templates available.
  • The features and capabilities you need are usually available as plugins.
  • If the WordPress person who designed your site stops working with you, you can easily entrust the work to another person or team to continue the site process.
  • Website design costs are much cheaper than dedicated website design.
  • The prices of plugins and skins are very cheap.
  • You can easily make changes to your site by watching a few short tutorials.
  • Learning WordPress is very simple and fast.
  • It is cost-effective to cover WordPress labor costs.


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