All businesses of all types and sizes are affected by the current global crisis, but restaurants in particular have experienced bad days. Conventional strategies do not work in this situation. Fortunately, we have compiled a list of 49 restaurant marketing strategies that you can use right now to make up for lost money and revitalize your business.

49 things restaurants need to do right now.
1. Dedicated page on social media
Create a community-specific page on social media to support and engage all the small businesses and restaurants in your community. There is a lot of content in the field of special offers and collective assistance requests.

2. Show food delivery
Produce video content during the day that shows the delivery of food at home and outside food to reduce customers’ doubts about the health of food.

3. Discount coupons
Offer discount coupons to anyone who orders food, as well as offer discount coupons to people who introduce more customers.

Restaurant marketing strategy

4. Share comments
Ask each customer to share their thoughts about being there plus a few photos on social media and let their friends know that they are open and serviceable.

5. Gift card
Offer gift cards that customers buy first and pay for when they reopen.

6. Change the menu and daily special offer
Modify your menu and have a special daily offer to save on food, labor, cooking, preparation and time costs.

7. Email Marketing
Use email marketing to reach all your regular customers and ask for their door-to-door or restaurant delivery support.

8. Behind the scenes
Have a daily live broadcast on Instagram or Facebook from behind the scenes and in different parts of the restaurant.

9. Shatter customers
Make videos of customers who support you. A number of 10-second thanks videos will have a huge impact.

10. Update and summarize events
Morning, noon, and night provide update videos and a summary of what happened during the day.

11. Send message and request support
Ask your employees to text all your phone contacts and ask for their support.

12. Restaurant Alliance
Form alliances with other restaurants and have daily interviews, shots and collaborations.

13. Health food packages
Provide health food packages that customers can purchase and send to others during the quarantine period.

Restaurant marketing strategy

14. Increase sales of beverages.
In cities and provinces where it is permissible to increase the sale of beverages as much as possible alongside front door delivery of restaurants or homes, make sure employees are trained to ask questions to increase customer orders.

15. Ability to order online
Make sure the online ordering service is working properly and easily. In bentosell and makerpad you can see options without the need for coding.

16. Changing food prices
To increase sales, allow or try to get customers to set food prices, perhaps at the end of the day.

17. Group dinner
Have a group dinner where everyone can eat together via video chat.

18. Virtual tables
Let customers book virtual tables and watch past sports through the zoom app.

19. Offer a contract with the super
Offer grocery sellers, postal workers, couriers, health care workers a great deal to help them during this time, or ask the public to support you in buying one meal and getting another one for free.

20. Definition and description of virtual
Ask customers to virtually compliment your work by recording short videos about the high quality of your food and services and posting them online.

21. Tikotak
Produce interesting and funny videos in Tikotak program to attract the attention of others.

22. Influencer
Ask active influencers, large and small, in your community to help inform people and get you shot.

23. Virtual meetings
Sponsor virtual two-person meetings that take place via zoom with the chance that they will reserve a table for face-to-face meetings at your restaurant later.

24. Communication with the chef
Make a video call to the chef so that customers can talk and communicate directly with him.

25. Q&A sessions
Hold weekly Q&A sessions in which the restaurant owner answers all the questions asked virtually.

26. Virtual Dinner and Movies
Hold a dinner event and a virtual movie with the cinemas near you.

27. Facebook ads
Think of Facebook ads because the price of ads is falling.

28. Prepare a virtual lunch
Talk to employers close to you and see if they are willing to provide a virtual lunch for their remote employees.

29. Interesting facts about food
Prepare an “Interesting Facts About Food” section in your cyberspace, blog or website.

30. Gifts
Spread the word “Free dinner soon” widely on social media and make sure people are encouraged to share it.

31. Facebook Community
Use the local communities on Facebook and the groups that moms and dads are members of to inform people close to you about daily special offers and pictures of your food.

32. Maintain a collaborative relationship
Maintain a friendly relationship with your landlord (if you do not own your own workplace) and sellers in order to continue working together during this time.

33. Membership Club
As a restaurant marketing strategy, you can also try the membership club, so that if someone buys a restaurant subscription, they will receive a discount after the reopening of Restaurant X.

34. Exercise and food
Get the attention of sports enthusiasts by creating competition between 2 types of your food. Customers will vote on which food is better and you can have a funny report like in sports. Encourage customers to try foods.

35. Sample food
Give samples of food to customers when delivered in front of the restaurant and try to increase the number of orders of your regular customers.

36. Attention to customers
Show and pay attention to one of your good customers on social media on a weekly, monthly or any other appropriate time period. This is an incentive for positive feedback.

37. Local newspapers
Go to a local newspaper and see if they can cover how you are trying to make a positive impact on your community during this time despite the unfavorable conditions.

38. Loyalty program
If you are using a customer loyalty program, go to them and if they can support you in the current situation, offer them more benefits.

39. Food Sites
Go to sites that post flashy photos of different foods, they may show some of your photos.

Restaurant marketing strategy

40. Positive energy
Give your employees positive energy by talking and thanking them for their effort and loyalty in your business.

41. Attention to employees
Pay attention to your employees on social media and let everyone know that you appreciate them.

42. Strategy
Let your employees be part of your social networking strategy and pay attention to their ideas. It also gives them more freedom to do what they can to help. This restaurant marketing strategy is one of the things you should appreciate.

43. Ideas to Parents
When delivering food, include pictures of tourism destinations in your package to give parents an idea for a short break.

44. Cooperation with schools
Collaborate with schools near you to deliver food to teachers who teach in virtual classrooms.

45. Fresh food
Check with nearby grocery stores to see if they can provide you with fresh, well-cooked food in the “Fresh Foods” section.

46. ​​Food of the day
In the section entitled “Food of the day” show the different food of each day.

47. Healthy and nutritious items
Add a new item called “Quarantine Cafe” with healthy and nutritious items to your menu for customers to choose from.

48. Fitness coaches
Collaborate with online exercise and fitness instructors to send healthy foods to customers.

Restaurant marketing strategy

49. Ambassador Marketing Campaign
The ultimate restaurant marketing strategy we are considering is to create an ambassador marketing campaign that gives members of your community the special benefits of sharing and posting content about your restaurant.

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