This article explains how you can achieve significant success in the field of education

Behind the scenes of the education industry

You must have seen many instructors in your field who are much more successful than you. Maybe they have become a reference teacher. You may think that I have a lot more control over the subject and that I am even much better at teaching. Why do they have so many more fans and are more successful? As educators, we need to change our perspective and look at education from an industrial perspective. We succeed when we look at training from the perspective of managing a factory.
Every information technology entrepreneur has three key activities that he or she must do well. Information factory activities include learning, content production, and business growth, which we will briefly discuss below.

1- Learning

To become a reference teacher, you must devote time to learning every day. Read a book for at least an hour a day, or research the internet and find new content and ideas. Unsuccessful instructors may have been teaching the same old material for years and never learn new material to use in teaching.

2- Content production

A reference instructor is a professional content producer. He can produce very attractive content in his field of expertise that the audience enjoys and of course is willing to pay a considerable amount to produce it. The 10 key products of each reference instructor should be e-books, printed books, articles, videos, audio, webinars, online courses, workshops, conferences and consultations. Note that each of these products is attractive to a specific group of audiences, and by removing each of them, you lose part of your audience.

3- Business growth

One of the most cost effective ways to grow your business is through online marketing. So you may need to become familiar with skills such as email marketing. People who enter your site enter their email to download free training materials, and then automated emails are sent to these people and encourage them to buy.

10 product reference instructor

In this section, in order to review the summary of the reference instructor’s book, we will briefly discuss in more detail the 10 essential products of each reference instructor.

1- E-book

You need some e-books. Some of them should be free and published on various sites. You can also have several ebooks for sale. The volume of these books can be about 10 to 20 pages.

2- Book

Out of these 10 products, the book will undoubtedly increase your credibility more and faster. If the content of the book is excellent, other instructors will provide it soon and you will become a reference instructor. A common strategy among reference teachers around the world is to use the book more as a marketing tool and try to offer thousands of copies of the book at the lowest price. Then they offer the readers of the book to buy more complete and more expensive educational products.

3- Article

The third product that you must produce continuously is the article. Articles can be free or paid. Good articles can make a good impression on you. I have had many clients who trusted me and gave me projects by reading an article I wrote in Success or Creativity magazines.

4- Voice

Vocational training has the great advantage that people can listen to it while doing other things. Many people listen to audio tutorials in their cars.

5- Video

The fifth product of the reference instructor is video. Generating video tutorials is the fastest way to make you famous. Many educators are obsessed with video quality. Don’t be too obsessive early on. Your video lighting may not be great, but the important thing is that the content and presentation are good. There are three general ways to make an instructional video:
• Talking in front of the camera
• Filming the subject
• Video recording from a computer or mobile screen

6- Webinar

Webinars are one of the most influential phenomena in the world of internet marketing as well as teaching. A webinar is actually a seminar held on the web. If you just want to display your PowerPoint and have your audience hear your voice, 512 kbps is usually enough, and if you want participants to see your image live, you need higher speeds of about 5 Mbps.

7- Monetary subscription

As the seventh product, you can put special content and tutorials in a part of the site and people can access that part for a fee. The whole process is automated on site. This means that visitors can read the content and download it if needed, as soon as they pay the subscription fee.

8- Workshop

A workshop is a face-to-face meeting offered by you and is usually accompanied by practice and practical work. In this regard, it deals with the features of a dream workshop, which I recommend you to study carefully after preparing this book, dear audience.

9- Conference

At conferences, we gather more people in one hall and give lectures to them. It is usually not possible for attendees to attend conferences or ask questions.

10- Consulting

If you present all your valuable material in books, products and lectures, some people will still prefer to consult you personally. Do not think that people who come to you for advice are looking for complex and specific ideas. They are more looking for relief from confusion. They need someone to make a firm recommendation to implement.

Build world-class training

Reference instructors can also produce training that is global. There is no way for you to become a reference instructor except that your training is excellent enough to immediately attract the attention of the audience.
Write a book in 30 days!
In this section you will learn a simple way to write a book in 30 days. Some of the important issues that have been addressed in this section include the following:
• Select the subject of the book
• Book production stages
• 4 Your work to publish a book
• 4 publisher works to publish the book
6-3-6 method in writing a book
• How to prepare the content of the book
• Estimate the number of pages in the book
Here are just 4 things you need to do to publish a book:
1- Writing the text of the book
It is better to write the text by typing in Word software. Do not write the whole book in one file. Have a new Word file for each section and write the contents of that section. Dedicate a file to the first pages of the book, index and introduction.
2- Editing
After writing the text, it is time to edit. Editing is a specialized job. You need to learn the basics or leave it to a professional editor. At this stage, the sentences become simpler and more understandable, as well as spelling, punctuation, punctuation, and mistakes are corrected.
3- Page layout
Page layout means converting text to book format. In the layout, we make exactly the final printable version. Page layout can be done with Word software, but professionals use Adobe InDesign software.
4- Cover design
Cover design is usually done with Photoshop software. The book cover has three parts. Cover, turning and back cover. Turning refers to the part of the cover that connects the cover and the back of the cover. In cover design, a flat file is usually designed with the cover, the back and the back of the cover on it.

Re-create information

Re-creating information helps you have more products and a much larger audience. Among the important issues that are addressed in this section, we can mention 3 basic strategies for information reproduction, which we will briefly discuss in each of these three cases.
1- Change the format
Changing the content format is one of the important tricks of the reference instructor. For example, the reference teacher knows that not everyone is interested in reading a book. So it also produces the audio version of its book. By changing the format, we make more groups of learners interested in our educational content.
2- Depth change
Another way to recreate information is to change the depth of the content without changing the format. For example, suppose you produce a one-hour video tutorial. You can select the important and key parts of this video, then separate those parts and put them together. In this case, maybe a 10-minute video will be made that contains all the key points of the original film. Then you can put this movie as a gift next to your main product.
3- Change the format and depth
Another mode that is widely used by educators around the world is the simultaneous change of format and depth of content. For example, we have written a 232-page book. If we make a one-hour audio tutorial that says the important points of the book, then we have changed the depth and format.


Reference Instructor Marketing Method

In this section, the author discusses 3 very important and key ideas about education marketing. These 3 ideas are as follows, which we will briefly discuss each of them in the following introduction of the reference teacher book.
• Product chain
• Build a tribune
• Hold a campaign

1- Product chain

The product chain is to have several products, each of which directly or indirectly promotes other products. If the audience provides one of the products of this chain, it will get acquainted with other products as well.
If we implement the product chain idea, we have free products that anyone can easily provide and become familiar with our teaching methods and content. In this free product we can advertise a cheap product. Some who have used our free product and found it valuable take another step and provide our cheap product. The work continues and some audiences are willing to buy more expensive products.

2- Construction of a tribune

In your field, there is always someone more successful who has a bigger podium. This means that he has a tribune with more fans and he can convey a message to them whenever he wants. So the power in education is not in the hands of the one who lectures best or whose book is more practical, but in the hands of the one who has the bigger podium, a large collection of contact information from the fans who have provided the information to the instructor themselves.

3- Holding a campaign

A campaign is a series of marketing operations that persuade the audience to do what we want them to do. This can be buying from the site, filling out a membership form, following our social media or anything else.

Reference Instructor Character

To become a reference instructor, you must also work on your own personality. In this section, the character of the reference instructor is described. One of the most important topics in this section is that 5 key features of the reference instructor are discussed. In the continuation of this article, which is dedicated to the summary of the reference instructor’s book, we will briefly discuss these 5 features:

1- Be a role model

The instructor is the reference for the example of others. You become a reference teacher when others wish to reach you. Your students not only want to gain your knowledge and insight, they also want to be like you. In addition to being a role model in specialized education, you must be a role model in maintaining high ethical standards. If you are not honest with the audience, this issue will be revealed sooner or later.

2- Have authority.

Students always like a powerful teacher, not someone who is always hesitant and unable to speak with conviction. Speak firmly in your training.

3- Be an analyst

Do you know how some instructors offer training that is unparalleled in the world? Or how they find new content that no one has provided before. The answer is very simple. They either experience things themselves or come up with new results through analysis.

4. Be persuasive

To transform others, we must be able to motivate others and encourage people to do the right and useful things. So the reference instructor must have a persuasive personality and be able to persuade many to do useful things.

5- Be considerate

For many people, the purpose of business is just to make money. The main purpose of the reference instructor is never just income and money. In Iran, there are reference instructors with a history who really do not need any more money, but with great enthusiasm, design new courses and enjoy helping others.
Make a difference in the lives of others
Here are 10 key points that you can follow to change the lives of others:
• Remove the learner’s mental barriers.
• Talk to your students as if they have evolved with your teachings.
• Create a real perspective in your students.
• Have hard goals to motivate.
• Make your students emotionally safe from the environment, that is, do not be easily influenced when they enter the environment.
• There are ways to get your students’ attention.
• Create healthy and constructive competition in your students by holding competitions and challenges.
• Just teaching is not enough, you have to show how to do it.
• Instill in your students the fact that they do not become teachers by taking a training course and must always be learning.
• Ask your students to report the results of their work to you.

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